“Are you envious of your friends and co-workers who never seem to get sick? The ones glowing with good health while everyone around them is sneezing, snifflying and coughing. Studies show that people who resist infections do so because they take steops to boost (or modulate) their immune system.
The human body is continuously using oxygen to stay alive. This oxygen use produces free radicals, which are damaging compounds that impair immune function and increase the risk of heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases. Your body naturally combats free radicals with help from antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables.
The problem arises when free radicals outnumber antioxidants. A variety of factors promote free radical formation. Cigarette smoke, alcohol, pesticides, pollutants, preservatives, stgress and an unhealthy diet have increased the number of Canadians with high levels of free radicals. This leads to an increase in colds, flus, and chronic diseases.
Antioxidant supplements boost your immune function and protect your body from harmful free radicals. Look for supplements sthat contain standardized ingredients.l This is ijportant because antioxidants can be destroyed when fruit or tea leaves are processed. If the ingredients are not standardized you may not be getting enough active antioxidants. Key antioxidants that can strengthen and support your immune system include green tea, acai berry, selenium and grape seed extract. ”
Fred Samorodin
Remember supplements don’t make up for an unhealthy diet or lack of exercise, but are an additional step to keep you and your family healthy.