The voice doctor Note: [Fred Samorodin has had the opportunity to briefly study with Dr. Jacob Lieberman, D.O. and uses the insights gathered from Dr. Lieberman’s work to work directly with freeing the larynx (voice box) with hands-on techniques that may help individuals find their “voice” physically and/or emotionally. Such work may take time and […]
Voice Therapy
Singing Helps Keep You Young!
Singing helps keep you young, study finds. By Misty Harris The Vancouver Sun, Saturday, January 5th, 2008 Though Brahms and Beethoven aren’t what Richard Simmons had in mind with Sweatin’ to the Oldies, new research suggests the composers’ choral work might be just what your body wants. According to Victoria Meredith, a University of Western […]
Jaw and Voice Health
In the course of a lifetime the jaw and throat muscles will have contracted many times more than the heart will have beat. The first connection our brain has with the outside world through the jaw – we cry – we suckle. With such a long-term and close connection with the brain, jaw disorders can […]
Humming Helps Sinus Health
Humming is an extremely effective way of increasing ventilation in the sinuses, according to Swedish scientists. As a result of their finding, the researchers hope to study whether daily episodes of humming can reduce the risk of sinusitis in patients susceptible to upper respiratory infection (URI). (Sinusitis, a common illness reported by 14 percent of […]